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Re: Questions about 5kCSQT
Well, since I have been in this list for a little over a year now,
I think it is time I get out of newbie status and start answering ...
(Am I considered semi-newbie now ?)
>1. If I pump brakes real fast (prob. not supposed to, because of
> the ABS), the warning light on dash "Brake" comes on...
This must be your pressure accumulator, also known and as bomb because
of its shape. There has been extensive discussions about it and you can find
them in the archives.
>2. Sometimes the ABS switches itself off. This hass happened atleast
That one is too advanced for my status ... :(
>3. I dont have much experience in working on cars, but I'm interested in.
OK, form what I have seen: We don't say F*A* in this list (and werefer to
the other cars as ovloVs ans Baas). Audi gods are very sensitive on the use
of equipment that's not from the fatherland, I understand...
Seriously, there is a lot of debate about oil filters and oils and you can
find it in
the archives too. I think the consensus is that for turbo cars use synthetic oil
(like modil 1), change it religiously every 5K miles and change the filter
while you are at it.
I too had the same question about the second oil filter. They told me to look
under the car. If you dont see it, there is only one. I had only one :).
For gas filters, some say it is a lifetime item (dealer) some that you are
off changing it. You can find all the relative arguments in (where else ....
the Archives ...)
>4. I was planning on using 20-50 oil, is this OK for this car? Any suggestions?
Thats what I am using, based on recommendations from the list.
> but how does one reset it for computing avg. speed and gas mileage.
In mine ('86) you have to press the reset button in the middle of the computer
switch and keep it for a couple of seconds.
> The computer has been showing 23.2mpg all the time, and I'm actually
> getting about 20 in city driving. Is this too low?
That's the case with mine too. I get 22 (computer mpg) and I measure about
10% less (20). There is a way to roughly calibrate the computer. (archives ...)
If you are seriously interested in fixing some things on the car, get the
bentley manuals (about 90-100 bucks, worth every cents...).
'86 5000 CST (not a quattro ...)
Evangelos Tozakoglou evangelo@mecf.wustl.edu
(314)-935-7565 (314)-645-6630 (H)
(314)-935-4014 (Fax)