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Re: AUDI & Mercedes

On Wed, 25 Oct 1995 LToy@aol.com wrote:

> of the game--as they say, there's no substitute for cubic inches (or cc's).
>  As for drivability, I was thinking about say, an '87 Celica and even some
> mundane Hondas--our '89 Accord, for example.  They don't drive like
> multi-valve motors, but then they weren't tuned for high peak
> power--especially in the case of the Accord.  BTW, who remembers the original
> Honda CVCC motor?  another multi-valve head, different use, different result

Hmmm.... I think me and my turbo esprit would argue that one. It doesnt 
have a lot of cc's, but not a whole lot will touch it!


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