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Re: Questions about 5KCSQT

%TO            quattro@coimbra.ans.net
%FROM          i08963
%SYSTEM        ida
%SUBJECT       Re: Questions about 5KCSQT
%VERIFY        y
%DATE          26/10/95 08:07
%REFERENCE     113081

Just a few words on the memory seat:

Mine, too, did not work so I pulled control switch out and carefully apart.
I think the contacts get "dirty" so tried to clean them.  It worked for a
while after this but shortly after quit again.  This proved that the
mechanisms under the seat worked OK.  So. I bought a new control switch for
about $80 (I think) and it has worked fine ever since.  You might luckout at
a junk yard for the switch.

Al Callery