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Audi God, please give me a break! (heater core & Antenna)

Dear Audi enthusiasts,

	I thought over and over last night, but I can't find anything I did, 
in this month, would made Audi God so angry. In the past few weeks Audi God 
really treated me bad.

(Heater Core)
Last week I told you guys I finally fixed my cooling system. NO I think not. 
This Monday I checked for any leaks as usual, unluckily I found some coolant 
droped from the tranny. At fisrt I thought it must be the ATF cooler leaking 
coolant but after a half hour of investigation, finally I found that the 
coolant was came from the Heater Unit. 

>>Inside the Heater Unit I think it is only the heater core would leaks
coolant, right?<< But one thing I really don't get it, is, I just replace my 
heater core few months ago in San Francisco before I moved to Indiana. 
Does the heater core easy to broke? How hard it will be, if I want to 
replace it by myself? Does anyone had experience about replacing the heater 
core? The coolant leaks slowly and it usually leaks at night when the car 
cools down. 

I said Audi God treated me so bad this month. I was right, it's really 
bad. This moring, my power antenna seems not to go down anymore. I took 
the antenna apart at home and found that a plastic wire was broken, 
therefor the motor couldn't roll down the antenna.

Any substitution for this power antenna? Does the Fuba roof mount fits 
on my car? I mean is fits on the original postiion not on the roof.Does
anyone had experinece about rplaceing the Antenna? The antenna's 
connector is kinda bizarre, I just don't know how to deal with it.

It would be kind if anyone could answer my questions above. Any 
suggestion is appreciate. Oh, I alomst forgot to mention my car, 
Audi 87 5kcst.

Thank you 

Albert Ng