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UrQ Signals

I drove my Urq last night (at night) for the first time in... ohhh... 
forever I guess..
I notice the battery light glows REAL dim. Just an hour beforehand 
though, I did a thorough test on the alt/reg/batt, and all were perfect. 
Then I notice that when I use my signals, the battery light glows much 
brighter alternating opposite with the signal lights (on the dash)  i.e. 
when the blinker indicator light is on, the battery light goes off, and 
when the blinker is off, the battery light is on.  After the corner is 
turned and the signal is off, the battery light no longer glows.  But 
after a few minutes it starts to glow again, and a quick signal light 
turns it out again.



  ___       __     ___  ___              __     
  / _ )___  / /    / _ \/ _ | __ _  ___ _/ /____ 
 / _  / _ \/ _ \  / // / __ |/  ' \/ _ `/ __/ _ \
/____/\___/_.__/ /____/_/ |_/_/_/_/\_,_/\__/\___/
bob.damato@snetel.com 		 	          |Phone:203.771.7081
						  |Fax:  203.773.3398
The Southern New England Telephone Co.		  |Pager: Yeah, Right...
300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510
Information & Technology Center 

Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro