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Re: More Antifreeze
On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Michael Spiers wrote:
> > I think that the Sierra product uses propylene (sp?) glycol as opposed to
> > etheylene glycol. If the product is pure propylene glycol, it is safe to
> > ingest. However, it seems like there must also be additives that wouldn't be
> > safe.>
> > I thought that propylene glycol was only usable in high flow, non-pressurized
> > systems...?
> >
> I was working at NAPA on Saturday, and had a guy come in to buy some
> antifreeze. "You guys carry Sierra?" "No sir, we carry this NAPA crap, I use
> it in all my cars." "Good thing. I've put Sierra in three cars, and each car
> blew a water pump three weeks after I put the stuff in."
> Does this have anything to do with the propylene glycol business? I'd never
> heard anything about Sierra, good or bad, so maybe this guy just had bad luck?
Spooky. Same thing happend to my '84 4kq about two weeks after I changed
to Sierra antifreeze. And if you've ever changed the waterpump on a 5
cylinder, you'd know how much of a pain it is. I pulled so much off of
the front of the engine, I pulled the head off while I was at it, if that
tells you anything..