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Re: your mail

>   Anyone know if the Ur-Q CS injector is of the peak-and-hold type? I'm
>   looking at driving it with a Callaway mixture enrichment CPU. Anyone know
>   what the stock CS injector is rated for flow? Are there other Bosch
>   peak-and-hold injectors of the same physical dimensions that could mount
>   in the stock location but support higher flow rates? I'm really dreaming
>   now, how about part numbers?

Glen - The sweet injector swap for more flow is supposedly to go with the
injectors off of the Mercedes V-8.  Part number is 0437-502-015. 
Supposedly, they are a bolt on direct substitute and flow like 20-30% more
fuel.  Haven't tried this myself, but it's what Scotty Davies used on his
killer 20V UrQ before he went with the Haltech. 

                                                         Dan Bocek