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Re: the saga continues

On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Dan Simoes wrote:

> My poor 4000 is still sitting dead in the driveway.  My VW buddy
> came over and spent 3 hours on a cold afternoon trying to fix it
> with me.  He checked wires to the computer, seemed OK, swapped
> out the DPR, that helped - the main reason it wouldn't start was that
> the flow of coolant from the leaky pump caused the TB to slip a notch
> or two (I should be a pro at this by now, but timing still
> eludes me).  Once that was started, he did get the car running once,

I have had my fuel distributer apart on the 4kq a couple times. There 
really is nothing to it. A good carb cleaner and a little time can 
rebuild it in no time.

Sounds like returning it would be a good option at this point!


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