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Water temp saga continues... Sort off ;-

>There is a trivial solution...get the water outlet fitting from a later-
>model turbo 5 (maybe any later 5, dunno all nuances and variation here),
>and replace the plain-jane vanilla one on your UrQ. The one I acquired
>(lying around at mechanics junk pile) has *four* total taps on it. The
>one on top of the outlet fitting "just happens to fit" your typical VDO
>(etc.) temperature sensor probe... (as does the one on rear-facing side)
>and it all just bolts right in place, almost as if it were designed to!
>From there, it's just a step or two away from installing a water-cooled
>"S4"/"RS2"/whatever turbo to help your motor generate enough heat to
>keep the newly-installed temp guage entertained . . .

Good stuff guys :-). With a temp gauge solution immanent, I now am curious 
of the reason I wanted one in the first place.  The car overheated on me on 
a track day I did a while back only after about 10 min of hard driving.  No 
idication other than it started running funny, and I slowed down and crawled 
into the pits only to realize the fan was not running.  Turns out I melted 
the temp switch in both the med and hot sensors, and therefore NO FAN!   I 
turned it off, and best I can tell I didn't break anything.  Any ideas why 
it would heat up so high?   ---JCG