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Wierd idling
Now that the winter is upon us (in Minn anyway) my '88 5000q has been
doing some strange idling in the morn.
I will start the car,(no problem there) and warm it up for about 2 min.
as I drive off the engine will cut out or there will be no immeadiate throttle
response.ie, i mash the accelerator and the car stays at idle. Putting it
in gear the car lurches and then the engine will operate normally-it's as
if the engine dies and i pop the clutch to get 'er going. After warming
up completely, the engine rpm's bounce back and forth between 1100 and
1000(at idle) making a strange pulsating sound.The engine rpm's have been
at steady 900rpm all summer and fall with no problems with the car at all.
This problem comes and goes. So it's diffucult for my mechanic to pinpoint.
The fuel pump checks out o.k.
thanks for your help
Dave Wallace