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Re: PIR Quattro Club Driving School!!!

On 15 NOV 95 Jeff wrote:

>I guess the trick is to ask him questions in person ... when I tried to ask
>him questions over the phone, he seemed to mind a great deal.   :^(

Yup Jeff,

	On the bottom of his new price list he now has: Consulting  to dealers
or individuals  $100.00 per hours  -  $15.00 minimum.

He might be "one of the gang" at an event, but over the phone it's seems to be
"money talks, bulls**t walks". These are trying times in which we live. No
wonder he claims to stay off the NET. But the last time I spoke with him he
said he was aware of the group here, and had just bought 8(eight!) 28.8K baud
modems. These CAN'T be part of some new "Top Secret" Audi hop-up kit, unless he
wants to monitor customer preformance via laptops and cell' phones!!!??? Only a
thought...There's no telling who "lurks" out there!!! Just another thought...



 0                                                                            5
 0                               Shef Corey                                   0
 0                    Ocean Mapping Development Center                        0
 C                    Graduate School of Oceanography                         0
 S                       University of Rhode Island                           C
 Q                          Tele.: 401-792-6879                               S
 U                     E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu                          Q
 A                              QCUSA: #1857                                  U
 T                                                                            A
 T             QUATTRO: the way to GO when the road says NO!!                 T
 O                                                                            T