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RE: update on my saga

Hi Dan,

	Glad to hear your back, we missed ya! Sorry to hear about on going 4000
problems. You may have missed the post a week or so ago about J.C Whitney CATs
being just fine. I got a catalog from him; page 182 in catalog #582J has lots
of 'em, mostly <$100.00. They have T304 stainless air tube kits for $19.95 to
$24.95 also. If this interests you J.C's number appears to be 312-431-6111;
myself and as far as I know the university have no affiliation with J.C.
Whitney and stand to benefit in no way from this "suggestion". I forget who
made the posts on CATs, but I believe the thread ended with "CATs is CATs!"

	I hope this helps and saves you some big bucks too!

				Wishing you happy motoring soon,


 0                                                                            5
 0                               Shef Corey                                   0
 0                    Ocean Mapping Development Center                        0
 C                    Graduate School of Oceanography                         0
 S                       University of Rhode Island                           C
 Q                          Tele.: 401-792-6879                               S
 U                     E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu                          Q
 A                              QCUSA: #1857                                  U
 T                                                                            A
 T             QUATTRO: the way to GO when the road says NO!!                 T
 O                                                                            T