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UrQ weight distribution
For anyone who's interested, I just took my UrQ to the public scale
(accurate, they say, to +-20 lbs.). Here's what I got:
Front: 1860 lbs
Rear: 1340 lbs
Total: 3200 lbs
Whole Car: 3180 lbs
So as you can see, the Front + Rear weight agrees well with the Whole
Car weight.
The car was weighed with 1/2 tank of gas, no driver, and no excess junk in
car. This puts the weight distribution at around 58/42.
This was a bit heavier than I expected. I seem to remember all of the old
Rags of the time putting the weight at around 28-2900 lbs. Maybe those
were all done with dry tanks?
How much does gas weigh per gallon?
Dan Bocek