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RE: Center Heater

>The cool air is directed from the centre vents to maintain fresh  
>air circulation around the face. You can shut it off with the switch  
>to the right. I actually like sitting in a warm car, with a bit of  
>fresh air as well. It saves opening the window every now and then,  
>when the car gets <tooo warm>. I appreciate that your different  
>climate, may lead to different preferences with the heating. I guess  
>Germany's climate is somewhere between UK and US.

Well here is the scoop I think...  I noticed an alternate thread about 
the heat not being "hot" enough in somes 4kq...  As it turns out, I think
I have the same problem.  THe heat has been mediocre most of the time, so 
I couln't imagine why you would want cold air coming into the compartment.

This morning, I jiggled the heat selector and _lo and behold_, I got about
5 minutes or REALLY hot air coming out of the vents, and I DID open the
center one to cool it off... (No, the car wasn't running any hotter)
I suspect that the supply hose valve to the
heater core is not functioning properly, and that's why I don't get enough
heat most of the time (and why I never used the center vents...)

Well, it's supposed to be 54F this weekend, so wash, wax, maintain, repeat...

