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Tranny Fill
> From: Michael Myers <myersm@mhd1.moorhead.msus.edu>
> Question: I though that this happened on an 100? Or is it the same
> transmission? I'm going to bring it to a independant shop, if the dealer
> can't get this right, I'm not bringing my car back period. Do you know
> is this written down anyplace by audi itself so I can show the dealer so
> they know for the future, or is this just one mechanics suggestion?
> Thanks for your help
> -Mike
My transmission guy says: years ago, Audi published a service bulletin
which states to overfill the transaxle by 1/2 quart. (And, of
course, to use synthetic lube.) He also says that the transaxle in
the 100/200 series is essentially the same as the old 5K series. So
calling him back for this message was rewarding - he specified
overfilling by 1/2 quart, so now I know the quantity.