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Re: Noise (was Re: NOISY VALVES)
Hi Bob,
> Barton: You are hereby given the name "BOB" for your great reply.
> This is of course a great honor to be bestowed only on the deserving.
> I read several lists and never saw so much excitement due to my one
> off the cuff remark, but then again I never saw a list that had so
> much mail as this one. Bob (not honorary, my mother named me) Hines
Thank you, Bob. Recognizing this as the high honor it is, I shall endevor
to wear the name with pride and distinction, and hope that it hides the
hair-shirt that I have vowed to wear each time my sense of humor overcomes
my sense of propriety. (Some would say, "each time my alligator-mouth
overloads my hummingbird-ass," and since you did not, please allow me to
doff my cap to you, as well.)
You're a class-act, Bob. I'm glad to see that your sense of humor exceeds
your earlier grumpiness, and I'm proud to join you as a fellow Bob. Thanks
for being an exemplary Quattro-Head!
Bob (formerly known as, Yer Kindly ol' Unka Bart)