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Re: droF 051 4x4 - was no subject


Was this actually on the quattro list?  I must have missed it somehow.
Thanks for being nice to Dan.  

    [Later...  Dan's post came in after I wrote this one.]

To say a quattro is a 4x4 is akin to saying a stealth fighter is an
airplane.  :-)

I must disagree a bit, however.  While this group came together, so to
speak, as a result of a common interest in things Audi, I'd like to think
that at least some of us have made some rather good long-distance friends.  :-)

BTW I happen to own a '95 droF Ranger 4x4 about which I know even less than
I do about my Audi.  And that ain't much.  :-(  But I'm learning.  :-)

>>Hi there everyone. This is my first submission to this mailing list. 
>>Heard, from a friend, that you all wrer into 4 x 4s. Is that what Quattro 
>Yes Dan a quattro is a 4x4 (shudder). However, quattros are always Audies.
>I'm positive drof ever made a quattro. 


>Ummm, Dan, please don't let them know. This list is a collection of
>anarchists, existentialists, masochists and others who wouldn't probably
>talk to each other if it weren't for an innate need to make sacrifices to
>the Audi gods. 
>Some of the folks on this list no doubt are familiar with drof 4x4's and may
>be nice enough to send you a direct email to help you out. In the meantime,
>could I direct you and your friends to a newsgroup called "rec.autos.4x4"
>I'm not personally familiar with that group, but it does seem on the surface
>to be more appropriate to your needs. 
   *  Robert L. Myers  <rmyers@wvit.wvnet.edu>              *
   *  Chair, Department of Chemistry, WVIT                  *
   *  Home:(304) 574-2372        Office: (304) 442-3358     *
   *  Obligatory references for Quattro and Sleddog Lists:  *
   *       My Huskies like to ride in my '89 200TQ.         *