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Re: Lic. Plate

Eric gloats:
> >Cost to drive my Audi here in Wisconsin is about $55 per year 
> >for personalized plates (they are not Audi related).  Regular old stuff 
> >is about $45 or $50.  
> Missouri Beats that.  $55 to apply/first year, $35 thereafter.  You can 
> also replace your stone chipped and nasty old tags with ne duplicates for 
> free at the time of renewal (Every July) or $18 anyother month.  And to 
> top it off , It aint Wisconsin!!
We just paid over $1100 to register our new S6! This was of course after
we'd already paid nearly $4000 in sales tax and 5% luxury tax. I think
the good side of things is that we pay 0% state income tax and also have
very low property taxes.

steve powers                          penniless in seattle...