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Audi key-coded radio problem
Hello all. Got myself into another fix with my Audi 90. This week
the cold northeastern weather forced me to get myself a new
battery. Anticipating a problem with the key coding on the radio,
while sitting in the Sear's parking lot before going inside to get
myself a new Die-Hard, I changed the code on my radio, just to be sure
that I was certain that I knew it rather than guessing that I remembered
it correctly from a couple of years ago.
Lo and behold, I get the care back with the new battery and need to put in
the new code to free up the radio. Apparently, the new coding didn't
take. And I went through my three chances that the design gave me to
get it in. And the radio is now locked with the "SAFe" message, not allowing
me to even put in the old code, which I'm relatively certain would work.
Question - is there anyway I can get myself a chance to plug in a
couple of new codes without having to spend the $45. my local Audi
dealer is asking to get the thing reprogrammed?
They did suggest that leaving the thing on for a few hours and trying it
might work. It didn't.
If having to get it reprogrammed, is there a cheaper way to do it?
Any help would be appreciated.
Feeling pretty dumb is Connecticut,