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Engine stutter

Hello all,

Thanks again for the advice of a few weeks back on the electric  
windows, and steering knock. I managed to get one window to work by  
cleaning it and spraying with WD-40, one still doesnt work, but I  
presume the Motor and/or connection has gone awry. I was assured  
that the knock I occasionally hear whilst turning full lock at slow  
speeds, was the bearings jumping out of position, and then slotting  
back in - this is completely normal and causes no harm at all.

My present query (and hopefully last for a while!) concerns a  
stutter with the engine. It has only happened in twice in the last  
two weeks. I have been driving along, once in 3rd, and this morning  
in 5th, when the revs have droppped by ~1000 (say from 2600 to 1600)  
for 1/2 second and power is lost, and then it returns to normal  
immediately, and it was fine for the rest of the journey. It was not  
particularly cold this morning, and I have over 1/2 tank of petrol.

If anyone has had this problem, or recognises the perpitrator of  
this fault, could they please offer me some advice. (I can only  
presume it is something to do with the fuel supply, but intermittent  
faults can be a pain to diagnose)

Thanks for any help that can be supplied,

Merry Christmas
