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Re: 90Q "skid plate" - important???

Grant wrote:
>>Yesterday, the aero/skid plate below my engine tore off
>>in the snow.  It's a goner.

Steve wrote:
>Grant - I wouldn't worry about it unless you are a clean freak  
(like >me); it does keep the engine compartment cleaner.  If you do  
want to >replace it, I suggest looking around to see if you can find  
a used >one (some people really hate them and might just give you  
theirs) or >shop for a better price ($200 is ridiculous for just a  
big piece of >plastic......SLM

If you are talking about the front valence (thats the bit below the  
bumper at the front, in british speak), then I think they look  
pretty cool. They werent on the original 80, I think they came on in  
the revisions in 85 (I guess they have always been on the 90). But  
then 200 dollars is probably just tooo much from a dealer for that  
extra bit of aesthetic appeal.
