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Re: 88,89 imsa cars

On Sat, 16 Dec 1995 STEADIRIC@aol.com wrote:

> >looks like your buzzer or its operator is defective, eric... :)
> Don't think so Elliott.  The Tub as Jeff pointed out was just a Roof, 
> Floor and A,B,C Pillars other than that it was a "Ship in a bottle" Roll 
> cage, and a Kevlar, Alluminum body.  

i said that they used the 5000CSQ monocoque.  so we find out that
later in the season they replaced bits of it but in essence it was
still a monocoque body compared to the pure tube frames of its
competitors.  the point is that this WAS NOT a tube frame car.
and that is one of the points that is repeatedly made in any
article on these cars, aside from the awd.

>As for the Torque split it changed 
> from track to track.

>  This info came from Hurley Haywood and Hans 
> Stuck.... They would know.

then why would you claim one post back that it was never altered?  

BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTTTTT!!!  you've just contradicted yourself.  :) :)

my summary of the trans am cars was fairly accurate, though it could
have been elaborated upon.
