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Re: Cruise control Fix???

At 06:03 PM 12/16/95 -0500, you wrote:
>The cruise control has stopped working on my 87 5kcsTQ. A few years ago, had
>same problem. Mechanic fixed it cheap and said something about cleanig out a
>hose or contacts-something like that-don't recall.
>Is there a simple fix?
>I don't use it often enough to replace any major components, but if it's a
>quick, cheap fix, I'd like to.
>Mike Aiello

There are many possible failure modes, most likely are the hoses, which
get a bit brittle with age ( the engine compartment sections ) and leak
just where they attach to the cruise control vacuum pump, or the servo.

Next it could be bad contacts, most likely where the speed pulses signal
goes from the sender unit through the speedometer ( circuit board on back 
of instrument panel ).

Finally, a bad switch on the collumn stalk.

Alan Cordeiro