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- To: quattro list <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
- Subject: re: BTCC, GTCC
- From: Dave Eaton <dave.eaton@minedu.govt.nz>
- Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 17:40:59 -1200
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- Mr-Received: by mta MOEMR0.MUAS; Relayed; Tue, 19 Dec 1995 17:40:59 -1200
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- Registered-Mail-Reply-Requested-By: dave.eaton@minedu.govt.nz
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dtm and gtcc are not the same thing.
gtcc is the class fia 2 german touring car championship. major makes audi/bmw (ie 2 litre).
dtm is the class fia 1 german domestic series. major makes mercedes/opel/alfa
itc is the international fiia class 1 series. major makes as for the dtm
btcc is the british touring car (fia class 2) championship. major makes *everyone* except toyota/mercedes.