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Re: Thanks! (was RE: Battery replacement)

On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Bob D'Amato wrote:

> The old sears 
> die hards were terrific. Not sure who made them back then though.

Sears Die-Hard betteries used to be made by a Milwaukee company, Johnson 
Controls.  They recently (within past year or so) lost the contract with 
Sears.  As I vaguely remember the news story the Sears account was a 
large % of their business.    The company has a reputation for doing 
generally high quality things.

The die-Hard in my 87 4kcsq is about to enter year #6.  Actually ran the 
battery dry (my own stupidity), refilled and re-charged it and its been 
fine ever since.  Really ought to put a new one in there for the winter, 
but it really checks out find when the local garage does a load test on 

Bill Murin