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81 4000 coupe

Anyone else out there got one of these and what problems at what sort of 
milages have you had ? Any other comments about this model ? I have just 
become the proud owner of one in silver.
Robert P. Tonge, PhD	       _____    _    ____    
Health Sciences Building,     |_   _|  / \  |_  _|   rptonge@u.washington.edu
Room H168, Box 357610,  	\  \  /   \  / /     	
Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry,	 \  \/ /\  \/ /      Tel (206) 543-8503
University of Washington,	  \   /  \   /       Fax (206) 685-3252
Seattle, WA 98195, USA.		   \_/    \_/