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Re: 20V Coupe sounded like a turbo!?!?

I just bought a 1990 90q20v for $10,500, and I love it.  I highly
recommend the 20v's.  I drove several coupes and 90's before
my purchase, and even those that were a bit abused were a 
blast to drive.   The car I got had 67k miles, so if you can get 
the coupe for $12.5k, I would go for it.  Hell, I would probably 
even pay $14.9k if I had to. :)

As far as the sound you mention, I too have noticed that the car sounds
somewhat like a turbo, but I haven't give it much thought.    

Btw, I saw a pearl white non-20v coupe quattro with 72k miles
advertised at $15.9k in Pasadena, California.

At 04:45 PM 12/20/95, Darin Nederhoff wrote:
>Hey all,
>Last weekend I found a 1990 Coupe Q (red/black) for sale in
>Minneapolis and ended up driving it for over an hour.  The car is
>in beautiful shape and has 58k on the clock.  It ran very smoothly
>and I didn't notice anything peculiar about the car, except for
>one thing...  while accelerating, I could hear a FAINT whistling
>sound... somewhat like the whir of a turbocharger spooling up.  It
>sounded as if it were coming from the rear of the car, so I'm
>wondering if it might have been the fuel pump or something?  This
>is only the second 20V I've been in, and the first had noisy
>exhaust, so I wouldn't have noticed the sound....  so what about
>you other 20V owners (or experienced people)out there?  What might
>cause this noise?  
>Also, how about Coupe prices out there?  This one is $14,900. 
>Sound decent?  I LOVE this car, and it really has me thinking.  :)
³jstevens@kaiwan.com       ³ http://www.kaiwan.com/~jstevens           ³
³Orange County, California ³ ftp://kaiwan009.kaiwan.com/user/jstevens  ³
³"Nothing is so much to be feared as fear." -Henry David Thoreau, 1851 ³