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Re: Unsubscribe

Guys, I am going on vacation for a week or so and I have been  
trying to "unsubsribe" for the
passed couple of days (because I receive on the average 50-75  
e-mails a day).  The agency
takes a very dim view of this.  The address I have been using is :
Majordomo@coimbra.ans.net,   with the statement:  unsubsribe  
quattro ACA@NRC.GOV.

Is all this correct?

I think that unsubscribe is spelt with a 'c'!!!
It seems alright to me, below is the line that was tendered in the  
introductory text, for my use if I want to unsubscribe;
which I will do shortly and get the digest over chrimbo when I am  
not at work for 2 weeks.

   unsubscribe quattro Sam Massey <samm@asysa.demon.co.uk>

Hope this helps.....a bit
