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Re: AWD 4-Door Sedans

qOn Sun, 24 Dec 1995 AUDIDUDI@delphi.com wrote:

> Oh, well.  Thanks for your support.  I've gotta run over to the next county
> to take a look a parts car ... seems there's some Audi station wagon that a
> guy tried to turn into a snowplow on account of the AWD and all.  I hear it
> didn't work out too well and that he might be interested in selling some of
> the parts off it.

Dont bother with the awdi.... I looked at it earlier in the week. I towed 
it back with my Ford 8N tractor. Seems my dog missy didnt like his home 
no more, so I figgered since my neighbors are gettin all sophisticated 
(Larry now has a METAL funnel for his still!), I thought missy would love 
a new europeen home. After all, them japonese make good stuff.

Some good parts tho, the front seats made great additions to ma's front 
porch. And the gas tank was perfect for the wood mash out of the still. 
Other than that, ol' missy is lovin it!

Hope you werent too interested in it, if you need it, let me know, I can 
use another goat, we can work out a trade or something. (Uncle otto and 
the goat had a tiff, they arent speaking anymore...something about 

Billy bob
Butthole S.C.

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