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Re: Audi -> VW brake swap?

On Tue, 2 Jan 1996, Jeff Loh wrote:

> I was comparing the brakes on my cars the other day and wondered if that
> would work. They *look* like they'd fit. It would be an alternative to
> upgrading the stock, non-GTI brakes.

Dunno about the calipers, I suspect they might be a little different, but 
the parts store listed no brake rotors for my (ex) '87 4KS.  I told them 
to look them up for an '87 GTi, and low and behold, they were identical 
in every way.

If I remember correctly, the difference between the vented and non-vented 
4KS brakes is merely a difference in pad thickness, ie. the solid rotors 
take a thicker pad and vice-versa.

I'm not sure about the 4kq, but the 4KS would be the place to start 
looking.  It has more in common with the VW Fox and other ancestry than 
does the q.

Robert Phillips
The University of Akron Sociology Department-------Akron, Ohio