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Re: Seat Heater light/Soloman Ngan

Hi Joe and everyone who helped,

I have to give credit to all of you.  Both heated-seat lights are ON 
now.  Costed me $2.59 Cnd from Radio Shack - Micro Lamps rated for
12V 60mA.  Simple calculation would show it is lower than 1.2W, but 
the intensity of the switches are exactly the same as other switches 
on the panel, or at least accordingly to my eyes.

I tried a 1.2W bulb obtained from the dealer, but the bulb was too 
"tall".  It actually worked (electrically), but it won't fit within the plastic 

For those who have burned out bulb in your switches, it is a must do 
for you.  Very satisfying.  That is a total of $ 280 Cnd for both 

Once again, thank you.


Solomon Ngan <sngan@netaccess.on.ca>
  '93 100s
  '90 90q20v