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Re: UR-Q WARMUP FIXED (uh, sorta)

On Tue, 2 Jan 1996 AUDIDUDI@delphi.com wrote:

> > At this point I got out the mity-vac and found a couple vacuum leaks since
> > I was sick of dealing with electrical problems. I highly recommend
> > getting a mity-vac. They rule. You can locate vacuum leaks lickety-split.
> A propane torch also works well ... just crack it open and start "spraying"
> it at all the suspect hoses.  When you find the one with the leak, it will
> rev up briefly as the propane burns (FYI: since propane's lighter than air,
> it floats up-and-away from the engine minimizing the risk of fire.  Still,
> I'd recommend only doing this outdoors...).
WHOA!  Propane is HEAVIER than air... not lighter. I would opt for 
somthing less flammable, since any electrical spark will ignite it too!


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