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Re: terminology (was Re: S6/Subaru)
I think you missed my point if not my intention. I feel the term in
question has neither negative nor positive connotation when taken in the
context of an abreviation saving keystrokes upon data entry. I concur
that slurs and epithets are not necessary, not only here, but anywhere. As
I previously posted, I am sensitive to your objections and will hopefully
not slight memebers of the list going forward. (not my post don't forget)
With regard to being 'persuaded' into an ethnic background, I think
Random Houses Dictionary of the English Language College Edition 1982
saves my butt, even though we have to go to the sixth usage:
Persuasion; a sect, a group or faction.
Group; a number of persons or things ranged or considered together as
being related in some way.
Part of the Audi Persuasion and many others!