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Ur-quattro & 87 GT prices

Well, it looks like my brother is set on getting either an Ur or one of
the 2.3L-130hp GT's (special edition?).  To that end, he wants me to
do all the footwork for him.  :-) (A labor of love, though.)  I guess
two Coupes in the family isn't enough.

So, what is the general price range for the Ur-quattro?  I know it is a
vague question since many Ur's have been "souped up", but he needs some
starting point (me, too).  Any info would help.  
Also, if anyone knows of any Ur's or super-GT's in either the Atlanta
area or South Florida (Miami <-> West Palm), I'd appreciate the leads.

Thanks, thanks, and even more thanks,

Eric J. Fluhr                    gt6493c@prism.gatech.edu :: Georgia Tech!
Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gets understanding,
for the gain from it is better than gain from silver and its profit
better than gold...                                       Proverbs 2:13-14