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Re: Bosch Plugs: Platins or Platinums

On Mon, 8 Jan 1996 PDQSHIP@aol.com wrote:
> Not quite true....  The Platinum uses a little tiny (get your magnifying
> glass out) piece of platinum at the very tip of the electrode, the rest is
> surrounded by ceramic, the "OR" PLATIN  (has no ceramic at the tip, and uses
> more platin/um than the "DP" plug.....  The PLATIN uses an electrode that is
> Platinum, and it is not just the tip.....  The WR7DP is the correct app for
> the car in a platinum tip.....  Have your bosch guy read this: get a WR7DP

The one with the fine center electrode is the W7DPO, this is a non 
resistor plug and is triple the price of the WR7DP. They have the same 
heat range and the same thread reach, use the same gap and the same 
etension of the elctrode into the combustion chamger...  You will get a 
better spart but a shorter life with the 'old' style (small center 
electrode) and a longer life but average spark out of the 'resistor' 
platinums. A less expensive replacement is WR7DTC for either.. it is a 
copper center electrode and 3 firing tips.
PALTINS AND PLATINUMS ARE THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Anyone 
who thinks otherwise CHECK YOUR BOX, IT WILL SAY BOTH!)


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