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What's that thing called?


         I think I can answer two of your questions.

                   //               | |              \\
A Pillar  --->   //                 | |                \\   <---- C Pillar
               //                   | |                  \\
  /                                                                     \
  |                                  /\                                 |
 _|        _______                B Pillar                ________      |_
|         / /---\ \                                      / /----\ \      |
 \_______//      \ \____________________________________/ /      \ \_____/
          |       |                                      |        |
           \_____/                                        \______/

        Pretty simple, eh?  OK, so maybee I'm not the artist I thought I was...
.It's a Volvo with flat tires OK!  But, you get the idea anyways.

        About the loudspeakers, this usually refers to the speakers in the rear
 deck of your car.  The speaker grilles are the covers over the speakers.  I ho
pe this helped.
