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-=> Changing Radiator <=-

I've decided to change the slightly leaking radiator 
myself. I'll have the Bentley pages faxed to me b4 I
go ahead. Any special instructions/tips beyond Bentley?

BTW, the radiator is mail-ordered from Northside Imports
(800-247-2491, ask for Dennis, and mention Q list) which
I learnt from this list about. They have good prices
Some prices:
Radiator: 120$ (new, plastic ends)
Oil filter: 3.25$ (OEM)
Hydr. pump: 175$ (refurb.)
Pwr. st. fl.: 8.95$/can

There's a hole im my muffler and I'd like to replace
it (the muffler). Dennis told me that I'll need to
go to the dealer. Doesn't anyone else make them?

