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Re: Ground the Radio Where?

On Thu, 11 Jan 1996 TMein@aol.com wrote:

> I have significant engine noise when the radio is turned on. System is a
> clarion cd in the dash, powering 4" boston acoustics seps in the dash. Preamp
> outputs go to an equalizer that splits out with two sets of RCA cables. THese
> route along the floor to a 4 channel Rockford Fosgate; this is split 40 W to
> rear door boston ac 5" seps and a Bazooka unpowered sub. The amp is connected
> (power) directly to the battery under the rear seat; the ground is on a bolt
> where the 3rd rear seat would be.

Try ditching the EQ.  It may solve the ground loop problem, it might 
not.  Either way, I bet it'll sound better.  You wouldn't believe how 
much distortion EQ's add to the sound.  I've come to believe that they do 
way more harm than good.  If you take it out of the circut, can you still 
get 4 outputs and maintain fader capability?  As for the ground loop, 
welcome to the wonderful world of car audio.  I do recall a Car Stereo 
Review issue a few years back that had an article on trying to combat 
noise.  If you're interested, I could try to dig it out, but it wouldn't 
be until this weekend, as they are at home, and I'm at school.
