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Greenpiece of mind

In a message dated 96-01-12 14:31:10 EST, you write:

>	The fact that you don't have any drips tells me you might have a
>bad rack.  The Pentosin(I guess it should be capitalized due to it's
>expense:-) collects in the rubber boot, until it fills up, then eventually
>the pressure builds, adn it pops through the boot. 
>	Hope I'm wrong.
I got a greenback says that is a waning hope, those rubberboots, if not
ripped make great Pentosin bottles, be careful cking them steve.....   A
leaky pump should make some noise and the leak is pretty easy to
identify.....   Eric F. has this prollum on his car, that is, he uses no
Pentosin at all unless someone wheel locks his rack, then it is like a

