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Re: New Audi www site?
Might we have the site's address? Or should we just netsearch?
On Fri, 12 Jan 1996, Daniel Hussey wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I din't know if anyones seen this site, but while browsing around a fe
>w days ago I came across a "new?" Audi-site called "Quattro Country". Has anyo
>ne heard of it? Well, I must say I was quite impressed. A lot of good materia
>l and photos of high-performance Audi models. There's some great photos of Ti
>Kan's beautiful 4000CS in there along with photos taken when European Car did a
>feature on his car. Very nice. And, there's a segment in there that was taken
>from a press kit, known as the "Andes Experiment" where they took a '92 S4 to C
>hile and drove it through some very treatcherous mountian passes in the Andes m
>ountians. Beautiful photographs. And, plenty of photographs of the Sport Q fr
>om a compilation of British and German car magazines. Very well put together a
>nd well worth the vistit next time your surfin' the net man!
> Later dude!
> Dan