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Re: Alignment specs for '89 100Q?

>My car goes in for its suspension rehab tomorrow, and will
>be getting its alignment reset friday. I want to know what
>the factory specs are, and work from there. I'm leaning toward
>dialing in about 1-1.5 degrees of negative camber, and "some"
>toe-out to help this beast corner a little better. Thoughts?

DANGER DANGER Will Robinson!!!  At most go with ZERO toe.  NEVER go with 
toe out on a street car.  Toe out only helps turn in and is not helpful 
in steady state cornering...  The Only thing that toe out will do on a 
street car (Esp. With the Stock Suspension Bushings) is 1) Wear the tires 
faster.  2) Decrease your gas mileage.  3) make the car Darty.  4) make 
the car VERY Nervous under brakes.



Eric Fletcher