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Dear Mr. Simoes,
        As you might imagine, I came across your name on the 'net -- I don't
know you, but you are rumored to be an Audi owner, as am I now, and, in
short, you seemed a likely enough victim for a quick question:  Do you know,
or do you know of anyone who knows, the protocol and command language to
connect to the "motronic" ECUs in Audi (or other Bosh ecu) cars?  Described
in the Bentley manuals in something called "rapid data transfer" to the "VAG
1551" tester.  But that is all the information disclosed.  Do you know if it
is an "open collector" protocol?  Five volt?  Is there a command language?
       Rreduced to an even simpler question: do you know of anyone who has
successfully connected his or her laptop computer to his or her car enigne
diagnotic electronics?
        An e-mail answer at your convenience would be appreciated.  Many thanks.
Benjamin Reeve <breeve@ibm.net>

Dan Simoes			          dans@ans.net
ANS 				http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
100 Clearbrook Road  			(914) 789-5378 (voice)
Elmsford, NY 10523			(914) 789-5310 (fax)