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Delta radio GALA feature

I did get some info on the GALA customization settings

GALA is a speed sensitive thing that applies one volume boost when a
single set spdeed is passed.  It is not related to engine RPM as was
implied by previous posters who were talking about acceleration or

VOL is a five position setting that controls the amount of the volume
boost.  The rightmost position is the largest boost.

GALA is a thee position setting that controls the set speed, with the
left most position being the slowest speed (somewhere under 30 MPH).

I have mine set at the highest volume and lowest speed, and I can't
tell any difference.  Anybody out there have a delta radio with a gala
feature that they can actually detect doing something as described

=========== When you believe in things you don't understand, ===========
=========================== then you suffer ============================
Ed Spire                                    Voice: 708-696-4800 ext 69
The Workstation Group                       Fax:   708-696-2277
6300 River Road, Suite 501                  Email: ets@wrkgrp.com
Rosemont, Illinois, USA                     Web:   http://www.wrkgrp.com