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Re: Numbers is numbers

Ok, Ok....

	I've been back from Mexico for five weeks now and have been back on 
the next for over a week.  All this talk about bimmer beaters (and the 
like) has provoked me to come out of hidding.
	IMHO, the driver is everything!  Do not get me wrong, if two 
people of equal skill were driving two different cars, one much faster 
than the other, the faster car would win.  However, in real world 
conditions the driver makes the car.  An example...(since we are all 
sharing our racing stories)  The car I learned to drive on was my parents 
1986 740 (non-turbo and automatic!) ovlov.  I drove that car for so long 
and loved it so much that I could get it to do flips if I wanted.  One 
night a friend and I were going home from a party (no alcohol involved) 
and I accidently cut off a guy in an 1989/90 drof Thunderbird SC.  Boy 
was he upset.  He kept tailing me, riding my bumper, highbeaming me, 
etc.  Well, I'd had enough.  Once I hit the twisties I decided to lose 
him.  Mind you, this guy has a good 96hp advantage and a better 
suspension.  He tried his hardest to keep up but only ended up losing 
control.  In no way am I saying that I'm a great driver, but I was better 
than him, and that was all that counted.  In my case hp and suspension 
made no difference.
