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Re: Audi A4 Audio & misc

On Tue, 23 Jan 1996, Joel Cohen wrote:

> At 12:11 PM 23/01/96 PST, you wrote:
> >I would like to fit a CD changer on my Audi A4 to play through the Delta head 
> >unit. The price on the Factory unit is too high (~$700-900).  I was hoping
> that 
> >I would be able to get something that could plug right in.

Wiring in a stereo and CD changer isnt really that difficult. I wouldnt 
let the fact that the plugs arent exactly right dissuade you from getting 
what you want. The pioneer may plug right in, but you might be better off 
getting something better. I dont need any flames (hey, we all are 
entitled to an opinion, right?:)  but I would avoid pioneer electronics. 
The quality control is poor, as is the performance. You can certainly do 
better for the money.


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