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Re: SCREAMING 90 20v

On Wed, 24 Jan 1996, Andrew Duane USG/PE wrote:
> You guys are all missing the *real* question here.
> Why is this car put away for the winter?  :-)

'cause I bang around in my TQC for the winters... :)

> Seriously, I have a 90Q20V, and a friend drives an SC. No contest.
> I'd lose him every time if I wanted (and he knows how to drive:
> his winter cars are a 911 C4, and a Sedan DeVille with a 454).

really?? I certainly lose lee every time Im in my 20V and he is in hs SC, 
but I attributed that to well.. you know... me being such a good driver 
and all.. :) (Actually him being a POOR driver) When I drive the SC (5 
sp) it sure FEELS like it pulls harder than my 20V, but maybe it doesnt!  
This wasnt even a close contest...that 20V was GONE!!!  :)


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