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Re: SCREAMING 90 20v

On Wed, 24 Jan 1996, Tom Leveckis wrote:

> did the t-bird perform the way you would expect a 
> 205 hp car of that nature to perform???....then again, even though it's
> 205 hp, the t-bird is a load......between the weight of the car, and typical
> power losses going from the engine to the rear wheels, the real, effective 
> power getting to the road is probably less than that of a Q with 170hp....
> a Taurus SHO would probably fare better....

Yeah.. the SC seemed to be fine.  
Actually the SHO is the real Load! They arent nearly as impressive as 
people think. My friend in his stock 4kQ is constantly battling one on 
his way to work, and tells me stories on how he beats it. After driving 
one, I started to actually beleive him. The SHO I was in was an auto 
though, I sure that doesnt help.


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