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A driving light ?
After mauling a stone wall with my TQ & smashing out those pesky US-spec turbo
lights, I installed a set of cheese-ball driving lights under the front bumper.
No flames, they do the trick & were cheap, & will be history as soon as I get
my Euro lights... Anyhow, I was actually paying attention to the front of my
car yesterday & looked close at the lenses. Each driving light lense was
cracked, about five times each. I'm not quite sure what is holding the lenses
together, but there are about five cracks in each, going the whole way from top
to bottom. The lenses are glass, so they are not scratched, they are cracked
(I checked.) Discounting the fact that they're s&*tty lights (KC Daylighters
for crying out loud) what would cause this? They've only been on there a month
or so, I don't get it. I know I haven't hit any curbs or snowbanks or anything
that would have caused this. The crappy plastic housings are perfect, so I
don't understand why they've cracked the lenses! Ideas anyone? I've got 55W
bulbs in 'em, so they shouldn't be burning too hot... This weeekend I'm taking
them back to the jerk I bought them from (oh yeah, that would be me, guess I'll
be nice & give myself a warranty & a new set of lenses!) but I'd like to know
if anyone knows what would cause a lense failure like this. TIA!
87 5000CS TQ
84 5000S (2,000 miles away and a mile high)
90 80 (sibling's mode of transportation I get lynched into working on)