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Re: ABT & MTM engine options

On Wed, 24 Jan 1996, Hans Frisak wrote:

> In a letter I received from ABT I read the following:
> ABT has the following engine options based on the S4/S6 230hp engine:

> I have done stage one now, trying hard to resist the temptation to go
> further.....

Sounds reasonable! Im assuming your 0-100 times are km/h. :)
On a similar note, I just got off the horn with Hoppen. Seems his A4 mods 
that are in his brochure arent valid for the US market. He'll have US 
stuff in a couple of weeks. Apparently there is a big difference between 
the US and Euro markets, bumpers, engine mgmt...etc.. 

> Så du dette Kjell Arild? 283 hk?? ;-) 
Umm. yeah. Last friday at 3:00


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