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Re: Beaten by a Rally GTI

On Tue, 13 Feb 1996, Steven Barnes wrote:

> After I ('90 90Q20V) and a Geo Tracker (spectator car) cleared a
> 1 km course through 1-2 feet of snow, the heat was on.  I did
Did this melt the snow at all?  :-)

> good, taking first in class (4WD, only one in class!!!) and
> second overall, beat by a VW GTI Prorally car running on 10/62-15
> Michelin Rally Snows.  These suckers are 100 mm wide at the
> tread, which consists of spikes (1 cm diameter) of rubber.  I was
> on old Bridgestone snows, 215/60-15, way too wide.  Gotta love
> the 20V power band.....4500 wham to 7000.

	I can relate to that.  Good show anyway. There's no shame in being
beaten by a race car, a pickup maybe, but not a race car. (Argh, I can't
stand it...it _did_ have _new_ Blizzaks - those are phenonimal snow tires
aren't they?  No?)  :-(

Graydon D. Stuckey								
Flint, Michigan   USA
'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro, GDS Racing Stage II				
'85 Mazda RX7 GS 12A-leaning-towards-a-13B-soon